Archive for March, 2006

10 Mar 2006

by Noel

Got Game?

Those of us who build software — we all want to build greatsoftware, right? Software that people love, not just software they tolerate? I sure do.

This is why Putting the Fun in Functional, a presentation from Etech’06 by Amy Jo Kim, is important. The central point is that the techniques that game designers use to make their games enjoyable and engaging can be applied to other software with the same result. Check it out.

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7 Mar 2006

by Noel

Cost Breakdown for an Internet Startup

The Cost of Bootstrapping Your App: The Figures Behind DropSendis a breakdown of the cost to start Dropsend, an online storage system. Total cost is about £25K, though when you see how much they outsourced you are left to wonder what Carson Systems actually contributed beyond an idea and the cash. By keeping more things in-house, we hope to do it for much less.

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