Dave’s on a roll. A few days ago we heard he’s on the ECMAScript committee. Now he follows up with a great post on Nancy typing(read the post to get the joke), and a PLT Scheme language that implements Javascript (available from PLaneT, of course).
Dave’s on a roll. A few days ago we heard he’s on the ECMAScript committee. Now he follows up with a great post on Nancy typing(read the post to get the joke), and a PLT Scheme language that implements Javascript (available from PLaneT, of course).
Brendan Eich writes on Python and JavaScript. The first part discusses his plans to add generators and array comprehensions to Javascript. But that’s not the real news! It comes later:
I’m happy to announce that we are now working with Dave Herman, a fourth year graduate student at Northeastern, of PLT and lambda-the-ultimate renown, whom I invited as an expert to help ECMA TG1 develop sound specifications for critical parts of ECMAScript Edition 4 (ES4), also known as JavaScript 2 (JS2).
Go Dave!
There’s a good summary of lessons learned from building del.icio.us. It’s a bit telepathic at times but there’s a lot of good stuff in there.
The Yahoo! Design Pattern Library is a collection of design patterns for web applications, along with links to the also-newly-released Yahoo! User Interface Code Library. Most of the patterns should be familiar to web application developers but it is good to have them all collected in one place. The code should be good to, though I haven’t had a chance to look at it yet.